Do you have a complaint about our service or products? Please contact us through:
or simply contact us by phone: 0031 10 747 00 00
We will always try our best to help you and come to a solution together.
If you decide otherwise and want to resolve a complaint or dispute with DiamondsByMe differently, we have already researched the steps that you can take for you.
You can submit your complaint to the Dutch Foundation for Consumer Complaints Boards (the Board), the institution for consumer and business disputes.
The procedure of the Board consists of 4 steps. Below you can read what these 4 steps are.
Step 2: Defence by the other party
Defence means the Board will inform us about the complaint you have made about us and allow us to substantively respond to it. You will be kept informed and you’ll receive a copy of the defence that will be made by us in that case.
Step 3: Research by an expert
If necessary, the Board will bring in an expert. This expert will assess your complaint and draft a report. In some boards, the experts also have the expertise and authority to reach a settlement with both parties.
Step 4: Outcome and closure of complaint.
Once the procedure is over, the dispute resolution body will inform you of the outcome. This outcome varies per dispute resolution body. You and the trader (DiamondsByMe) will receive an e-mail about the decision. The decision must always be upheld. It is not possible to appeal this decision.